Nestled amidst the verdant valleys of Arunachal Pradesh, the Ziro Music Festival stands as a vibrant celebration of music, showcasing the talents of independent artists against the backdrop of nature's grandeur. Established in 2012 by Bobby Hano and Anup Kutty, guitarist of Men who pause, this four-day extravaganza has become a cherished event, graciously hosted by the Apatani tribe in Ziro. MORE ABOUT ZIRO MUSIC FESTIVAL Beyond being a platform for musical expression, the festival serves as a melting pot of culture and art, reflecting the rich heritage of the Apatani tribe. Drawing enthusiasts from across the nation, it pulses with energy and enthusiasm, offering a stage for both local and international artists to showcase their talents. Renowned performers such as Lee Ranaldo, Steve Shelley, Louw Majaw, and others have graced its stages, captivating audiences with their performances. WHAT IS THE ROLE OF ZIRO MUSIC FESTIVAL? Moreover, the Ziro Music Festival plays a crucial role...